Abatement & Remediation Project Services

We provide project support for projects involving asbestos, lead, mould, and other hazardous materials. Our services include design, contractors selection, and project oversight.


Project Design

We provide project design for the handling of asbestos, lead, mould, designated substances and hazardous materials for construction, and demolition projects. We provide contract abatement project design in the form of specifications or client specific scopes of work for the abatement of designated substances and hazardous materials.  Specifications can be provided in National Master Specification Format or client specific. Unique specifications can be generated based on client needs. Design documents are based on relevant industry recommendations and guidelines. The following design documents have been prepared on previous projects:


Asbestos Abatement Design

  1. Type 1 Operations, Low Risk
  2. Type 2 Operations, Moderate Risk
  3. Type 3 Operations, High Risk


Asbestos design documents are prepared in accordance with Ontario Regulation 278/05, “Designated Substance – Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations”.


Lead Abatement Design

  1. Type 1 Operations, Low Risk
  2. Type 2 Operations, Moderate Risk
  3. Type 3 Operations, High Risk


Lead design documents are prepared in accordance with accordance with the Ministry of Labour guideline, Lead on Construction Projects or the Environmental Abatement Council of Ontario Lead Guideline, For Construction, Renovation, Maintenance or Repair. Specifications can be based on requirements of both guidelines to best suite project needs.


Mould Remediation Design

  1. Level I Procedures, Low Risk
  2. Level II Procedures, Moderate Risk
  3. Level III Procedures, High Risk
  4. HVAC, Small Contamination Areas
  5. HVAC, Larger Contamination Areas
  6. Clean-up of Bird or Bat Droppings


Mould design documents are prepared in accordance with accordance with the Canadian Construction Association, Mould Guidelines for the Canadian Construction Industry or the Environmental Abatement Council of Ontario, Mould Abatement Guidelines. Specifications can be based on requirements of both Guidelines to best suite project needs.


Hazardous Materials Abatement Design

  1. Health and Safety Requirements
  2. Hazardous Materials
    1. Silica Containing Materials Handling
    2. PCB’s (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) Handling and Disposal
    3. Ozone Depleting Substances Handling and Disposal


Hazardous materials design documents are prepared in accordance with the various relevant Industry regulations, guidelines, and standards.


Contractor Selection

Ottawa Contaminant Solutions provides contractor selection assistance for clients. Proper contractor selection for abatement and remediation projects is often a challenge for property owners and managers.


Contractor Selection Issues

project contractor selection

There are many issues that come with selecting the proper contractor. Some contractors lack the proper training and equipment for working with asbestos, mould, lead, and other building contaminants yet still do so. There are contractors that do not use the proper measures and procedures for dealing with hazardous materials. This practice puts workers, occupants, and the environment at risk. Some contractors lack the proper insurance for conducting abatement and remediation projects leaving their clients vulnerable to liability.

“up to eighty percent of contractors are unskilled or dishonest, or both”

– Mike Holmes


Contractor Selection Services

How can you ensure that your contractor is qualified and skilled? Based on 15 years of experience in the industry we can ensure you get reputable contractor who has a proven work record. Our people have been third party consultants on hundreds of abatement or remediation projects. Our project experience includes renovations, alterations, and demolition.  These projects involved using proper measures and procedures for hazardous materials. These materials included asbestos, lead, mould, silica, mercury, PCBs, ozone depleting substances and other building contaminants.

Our contractor selection services include:

  1. Preparing scopes of work: Written in accordance with industry standards. These documents act as part of your contract. Specifications detail the measures and procedures that must be followed by your contractor. The project details and expectations are clearly documented in writing.
  2. Tendering the project: Multiple prices are collected from reputable contractors. Experienced contractors are given the written scope of work and shown the project Site. This enables the bidders to review the documents and Site so requests for clarifications and discussing logistics can be done before submitting a price. Contractors submit their bids to us for review. We review the bids and we provide you with a recommendation of award based on your needs. We award the project on your behalf.
  3. Insurance and qualification review: As part of the specification requirements contractors must submit proof of insurance, training records, and certificates of approval before starting work. This quality check ensures that there are no insurance, training, and transportation of dangerous goods issues. All contractors that we invite to bid have a history of having the proper qualifications.


Project Oversight


Project Inspections

During abatement projects third party inspections are beneficial. Inspections ensure project work is being carried out in a safe and acceptable manner. Inspection records provide a third confirmation that work activities were carried out appropriately limiting potential liability. We provide the following types of inspections during project work:


Pre-Contamination Inspections

An inspection of work area control measures prior to the disturbance of designated or potentially designated substances or hazardous materials. Authorization is given to contractors to proceed once health and safety or environmental control measures are confirmed to be in place through visual inspection or testing.


Compliance Inspections

An inspection of work area control measures and procedures during abatement or remediation operations. These inspections are conducted without contractor knowledge that the inspection will occur. These inspections are to ensure that proper procedures and control measures are used at all times.


Post-Contamination Inspections

An inspection of the work area following the disturbance of potential contaminants or hazardous materials. Performed before work area health and safety control measures are removed. Authorization to remove control measures is given when the work area is found to be free of contaminants by visual inspection or testing.



Project Testing


Clearance Testing

Carried out to verify compliance with regulatory and guidance standards for the removal or disturbance of hazardous materials. Clearance testing is conducted by collecting air or surface samples and submitting them for laboratory analysis. If a high concentration of contaminant is detected then further work is needed before control measures may be removed. Control measures are in place to protect workers, building occupants or others from contaminants.


Area Air Testing

Testing to measure airborne contaminants in ambient air. This testing is often a requirement of government departments during construction and in manufacturing where contaminants can become airborne. This type of testing is used by property owners/managers to assure occupants that air in their work areas or residential units are not contaminated.


Area Surface Testing

Used to measure if surfaces are contaminated. If hazardous materials have been disturbed without using proper controls and procedures, contaminants will likely be detected on surfaces in adjacent areas. This type of testing is often used to measure the severity of contamination after potential disturbance of a hazardous material.


Exposure Testing

Used to measure worker exposure and ensure that personal protective equipment and engineering controls are adequately reducing exposure to an acceptable Level.

Contact Us

Ottawa Contaminant Solutions 

1-125 Pretoria Avenue
Ottawa, ON  K1S 1W8